Mac Clayton

Rendering a 3D model using OpenGL

Parsing and rendering a Wavefront OBJ file using OpenGL

#Intro This project focuses using the OpenGL graphics API to generate and display a 3-D image of a Fighter Jet. The Jet data is stored is a Wavefront .obj file, which has a very specific layout.

#Parsing the .obj File This application can be broken into three sections, reading (parsing) the file, rendering the result, and handling the user interactions. To parse the .obj file, we’ll use the ifstream library from the Standard Template Library.


#Result The resulting render. Use the following keys to interact with the display:

  • x - rotate areound the X-axis
  • y - rotate around the Y-axis
  • z - rotate around the Z-axis
  • S - Zoom in (uppercase S)
  • s - Zoom out (lowercase s)
  • r - Reset the rotations (does not reset the zoom level)